Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Divine Mother - Who is She? Blog #1

Divine Mother – Who is She?                                                                                                           Blog #1

Divine Mother is the feminine face of God. Divine Mother is the Creatrix – the Divine Womb of all Creation. Jai Ma – Victory to the Mother.

Mother is matter "ma-tear", the physical platform of Earth. Gaia herself is considered a conscious Mother. How can we forget or ignore our mother? 

There are 10,000 names of the Divine Mother. She was/is called the Goddess by many. The worship of the Mother is as old as time itself. In the Prehistoric times she was called the Great Mother; in Egypt She was/is Isis, Setmet, Nut +; in Tibet She was/is referred to as Tara; in India She was/is Kali, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Gaurie; in the West we know her as Virgin Mary, but the Church calls her a “creature” not a Divine Mother.

The Patriarchy has ruled in the West creating a huge governments, technology, corporations, bureaucracy which all but eliminates the Mother. She has been pushed aside, covered-up and dishonored. Her worship has been little known, discouraged and dismissed.

She has only been recently recognized publicly in the West, beginning with the Conclave of the Mother, August 14-17, 1994 at Steward Mineral Springs, near the Mount Shasta, CA. vortex. This was the first celebration in the World, as far as we know, that recognized and honored all the Divine Mothers regardless of their tradition, religion or country or origin. 

A group of about 100 peoples came together for this Herstoric event. It was created by Mary McChrist, the Divine Mother in Spirit and the Ascended Masters (Christ Jesus, El Morya and the Archangels). Mikaelah Cordeo joined Mary-Ma shortly before August 17, and they proceeded to make it happen.
The Divine Mother energy anchored into the Mount Shasta vortex. Several Divine Mother Conclaves followed in 1995+ and Anchoring the Christed Feminine was Mary-Ma’s McChrist’s gift in 9-9-99. Since this time numbers of westerners follow the Divine Mother. When something happens in the Mt Shasta vortex it goes into the crystalline Earth Grids.

We are grateful today the Goddess is risen and the Divine Mother/ers has anchored Herself into our modern world.

This Blog will continue to reveal the sacred face and mysterious body of the Mother. Who is She? Is She in both form and in Spirit? What are Her names? How can we know Her? Who do we/should we honor in the West as a Divine Mother? Follow this blog.

Visit the Mother-Matrix, now called the Divine Mother-Matrix:

Blogs: divinemothermatrix.blogspot.com
Email: mary-ma@mother-matrix.org
© 2011 by Mary McChrist. All rights reserved. This may be shared for personal noncommercial use only, giving complete credit as shown.


  1. How illuminating. I'm so glad you have this blog to share the information!
    OM VIM
    Love & Light
