Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The New Day - Blog #3

The New Day - Blog #3

This is an 8th Dimensional experience which Mary-Ma McChrist had on the Inner Plans on 10-28-11. She was given a Preview of the 11:22:11 Reality of the New Day. Prepare for this. Realize and know this New Day is coming. Dream it - Claim it – Live it – Be it.

The old game is over. The players arrive. The old coaches are not present. The rule books are piled up. Should we burn them or take them back?

The puppeteers, the mental controllers are gone – not present. The strings are cut and lay in piles about the field.

Who is in charge? What is to be done? Who rules? Mind pulls back; Heart comes forward. Intuition comes forward. Mother is present. I saw Our Lady rushing out of an old peeked cathedral. Someone was calling HER into the New Reality. 

Do you understand Dear Ones? There are no road maps here. There are no planned events or schedules here. The old leaders, saints, sages, politicians, rulers or patriarchy are ALL gone. Illuminati is suddenly gone. They are no longer in charge. Their game is up. 

What do we do now kids? How so we wish our lives to be?

I choose LOVE.
I choose life.
I choose oneness with the Divine Plan 

What now?
Consider sitting in a circle of love with yourself – with your family and loved ones. The circle does not end. It continues out endlessly until the whole world sits together. What do we want? How should it look?  Do we want leaders and followers? Do we want solders or should they all come home to their loved ones? What do YOU FEEL -  not think?

We are in free fall or free rise. Which one do you pick?

The Mother comes forward. The Father steps back. He watches, He waits to be called into the New Play? What is his new role? What will it look like?

The reins are gone on the horses. The lead ropes have dropped away. The animals are actually free, but they may or may not realize their freedom. They know something is different. How should they act? What do they do? Do they stay with humans or run free in accordance with their heart-consciousness?  Questions, questions…

Mother sits in her blue velvet rocking chair and writes. She goes into meditation or is it that?
Create the highest, sweetest, most loving Dream Reality possible. There are no edges to this reality. There is No old form of patriarchy.  How should we design our life, our scenario, our play?
Or do we just seek out, or better still, find the Inner Flow and know all is truly well right now
It may take some time – oops – there is no time – there is no space unless we re-call it into this place of Infinite Realities, Infinite Possibilities.Feel everything, create your life anew.

The United States Constitution (which I love), the Magna Carta, the kings, the rulers, dictators are pulled back. They are all gone from this New World.

Can you feel it? Do you see it. The outer rules are shaken, crumble – they actually crumbled yesterday -  the last day of the Mayan Calendar. So what do you/We want?

The great Oneness lies over us all and we can relax for the New Way is here – now. All is well. Breathe out – RELAX.

Don’t try to take over the world or grab the reins. It just won’t happen. The horses, the dolphins, the whales and the great turtle know it is the end of time. The old is gone. We are free. We are ONE in Unity-Consciousness. Breath out, breath in, or not. It is up tp YOU!

The Mother – Mary-Ma McChrist.
10-29-11 The New Day
So be it.

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