Monday, November 14, 2011

Message from Jesus Christ/Yeshua/Issah Blog #5

Message from Jesus Christ/Yeshua/Issah Post #5

Beloved Children there is the separation now of the sheep and the goats. Pick your world. There are many Mansions of the Father; many Temples of the Mother. Each is unique and expresses a new reality, a new Presence. Creation is happening NOW -  through each person, as consciousness opens and allows reality to readjust itself.

Some are in duality; some are in Oneness, some are ascending or have recently ascended.
As Christ/I come again, I find my Dear Lambs. I come, picking you up gently in my strong arms, singing softly to you. I Am the Shepherd; to some I Am Father Dove cooing to the dovies in the nest. Sweet Ones we are going HOME.

Question  ask by Mary-Ma:
“Dear Jesus. Am I leaving my body now?”

No dear, you are actually coming back, bring back the happening, the memory of your Ascension.
You and others have opted to remain on Earth to guide others through the Ascension Portal. Guides are always recommended for a smoother transition.

You hold the Template of Mother Christ and always have. The outer and the inner have come together -  like two hands, in two realities, coming together in Oneness.
Some can follow you, some can not; it is a personal choice.

I Am the Christ

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