Sunday, November 20, 2011

What is the 11-22-11? Blog #8 The New Day Tele.

What is the 11-22-11?    
Available Now "The New Day" Teleconference

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November. Many beings are going HOME. Mother Gaia is ascending. We will be aiding this process. We are wearing white on the call to remind ourselves.  Archangels Gabriel and Hope aid in this passing from one dimension to  the next. Remember personal and planetary Ascension comes under Ascension Master Serapis Bey. He will be present and will channel his message as well as Beloved Jesus the Christ.This is part of anchoring the NEW DAY.

Ascension prayers will be given and a lovely ritual called  of "Washing the Mother". If you wish to join in this process have your Mary statue, milk and a bowl to catch the milk ready. A special prayer will soon be posted for this.We will do this together on the call. You can use another Divine Mother statue such as Kuan Yin. or Goddess Isis if you do not have a Mary.

The Mother is often overlooked, denied or worse, She is targeted in swearing. These negative energies hits the Essence of the Mother, the Mother Matrix (the Collective Divine Mothers) and affects women who hold the Divine Mothers in form. "The Milk Ritual" purifies and holds high the precious missions of the Divine Mother. Join us 11-22-11 from 11:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M.P.S.T. Go to  Click on 11-22-11 for Pay Pal. Please call for the phone number and code since the time is short.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Embodiment of Your Higher Self -11:11:11 & 11:22:11. Blog #6

Embodiment of Your Higher Self – Between 11-11:11--11:22:11 Post #7

This will occur for a chosen few who have prepared their physical body temple to receive their Divine God Self. You must have completed the following:
11.)    The fourth initiation which is the crucifixion. This may occur on the physical, emotional or mental level.
Physical Crucifixion - Humanity often passes through this during Earth changes: floods, earthquakes, tornadoes etc.
Others lose their home through foreclose, flood etc. How do you react? Do you close down and feel sorry for yourself or do you make the best of the experience?
Emotional Crucifixion - The breaking up of a marriage or love affair, especially with a twin flame, certainly can cause an intense emotional crucifixion; the passing of a loved one or even a beloved pet can trigger this reaction.
Do you close down and die of depression or turn inside and find your true self and true happiness? This can be an opportunity to open to Source, God, Divine Mother etc. You can catapult yourself into your own personal mission and contribute to the whole Earth. The choice is always yours.
Mental Crucifixion - Many are “ going crazy” due to stress and the requirement of clearing all your past karma and old destructive patterns. The intense vibration of the Earth is very difficult for many people, especially if they do not understand the Earth is ascending. Do the best you can; be kind to yourself and others. Stay out of judgment. This too will pass.
22.)    You must have begun your personal mission.
33.)    World Service for humanity through some form of unselfish devotion: prayers (ie. The Blue Rose Prayers), chanting, meditation, “Bodhisattva Vow” (promise
not to leave the Earth until all beings are ascended and free.
44.)    The body must be cleared of 97% of your personal karma.
55.)    The physical body must be purified with proper diet – including little of no red meat or alcoholic beverages, sugar addition, smoking cigarettes and pot smoking are restricted. No coffee is preferred. Vegan or vegetarian diet is preferred.
66.)    Fasting, sea salt baths, and mineral baths will remove toxins and help clear the body.
77.)    Prepare yourself as a bride or bridegroom for your Beloved. This Beloved maybe your twin or your own I Am God Presence.
88.)    Drink lots of water; rest for much is going on in the inner dream state.

I Am Lord Mary Buddha

P.S. “The Flaming Hearts of Mary and Jesus” pages 192-205 is a profound purification Practice which can be found in The Blessed Mother’s Blue Rose of the Healing Heart by Mary-Ma McChrist. Go to: and look for books.

Age is Falling Away... Post #6

Age is falling away; all  pain is gone. I have no edges of being. Light is pouring, opening the world; opening the collective Crown Center. The Light pours IN. Darkness fades and disappears except for the Great Void - the Supreme Mother. This unknown Mother absorbs all reality Through Her darkness we are reborn into the Light beyond Light. 

The pineal and the pituitary glane visit softly together - like old friends in the parlor spending a quiet evening.
Deeper, deeper we go, further in, inside, no lines, no boundaries. - just Light. Crossing over now; no maps are available yet.


Mother Mary-Ma McC;hrist

Message from Jesus Christ/Yeshua/Issah Blog #5

Message from Jesus Christ/Yeshua/Issah Post #5

Beloved Children there is the separation now of the sheep and the goats. Pick your world. There are many Mansions of the Father; many Temples of the Mother. Each is unique and expresses a new reality, a new Presence. Creation is happening NOW -  through each person, as consciousness opens and allows reality to readjust itself.

Some are in duality; some are in Oneness, some are ascending or have recently ascended.
As Christ/I come again, I find my Dear Lambs. I come, picking you up gently in my strong arms, singing softly to you. I Am the Shepherd; to some I Am Father Dove cooing to the dovies in the nest. Sweet Ones we are going HOME.

Question  ask by Mary-Ma:
“Dear Jesus. Am I leaving my body now?”

No dear, you are actually coming back, bring back the happening, the memory of your Ascension.
You and others have opted to remain on Earth to guide others through the Ascension Portal. Guides are always recommended for a smoother transition.

You hold the Template of Mother Christ and always have. The outer and the inner have come together -  like two hands, in two realities, coming together in Oneness.
Some can follow you, some can not; it is a personal choice.

I Am the Christ

Sunday, November 6, 2011

The New Day - Eighth Dimenional Focus - Blog #4

The New Day - Blog # 4 Eighth Dimensional Focus

I woke up about 4:00 A.M. remembering my inner plane experience, but it just continued on. I feel this is life in the New Day.

Light is blazing everywhere. Colors are transformed into tints (color + white). This is a world of Light. Clarity abounds; we are enlightened. The veils have vanished. Our eyes see as the babies see, with soft focus. There is no harshness, no controlling factor – no sharp edges or cruelty; no raised voices are heard. We are drifting, singing, grounding, and dancing in the Light. We are together gently - in circles within circles.

The dimensions have disappeared. Thought journeys are quick. We can bi-locate in an instant. It is quite a wonderful place.

I am writing this to give people an idea of how different this New Day is from our 3-D reality.
Does it sound crazy? There is some relationship between this and Alice in Wonderland. In other words this reality is altered completely. You have probably never been here before. So relax and just feel the differences here. Don’t worry if you can’t understand or relate.

This is high frequency pouring upon us. Alice fell downward; I’m falling UPWARD. Some might call it ascension.

Come with me if you like, or stay where you are. It doesn’t matter. 

Everyone will experience as they wish once they have passed through the Keyhole or gone “UP the Down Staircase”. Breathe slowly, become a Buddha, This spherical place is Divine Mother – very Heart felt, very THERE.
I AM Buddha – all else drops away. I AM silent in a deep heart place of STILLNESS and bliss.

Om, Shanti, OM.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Divine Mother - Who is She? Blog #1

Divine Mother – Who is She?                                                                                                           Blog #1

Divine Mother is the feminine face of God. Divine Mother is the Creatrix – the Divine Womb of all Creation. Jai Ma – Victory to the Mother.

Mother is matter "ma-tear", the physical platform of Earth. Gaia herself is considered a conscious Mother. How can we forget or ignore our mother? 

There are 10,000 names of the Divine Mother. She was/is called the Goddess by many. The worship of the Mother is as old as time itself. In the Prehistoric times she was called the Great Mother; in Egypt She was/is Isis, Setmet, Nut +; in Tibet She was/is referred to as Tara; in India She was/is Kali, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, or Gaurie; in the West we know her as Virgin Mary, but the Church calls her a “creature” not a Divine Mother.

The Patriarchy has ruled in the West creating a huge governments, technology, corporations, bureaucracy which all but eliminates the Mother. She has been pushed aside, covered-up and dishonored. Her worship has been little known, discouraged and dismissed.

She has only been recently recognized publicly in the West, beginning with the Conclave of the Mother, August 14-17, 1994 at Steward Mineral Springs, near the Mount Shasta, CA. vortex. This was the first celebration in the World, as far as we know, that recognized and honored all the Divine Mothers regardless of their tradition, religion or country or origin. 

A group of about 100 peoples came together for this Herstoric event. It was created by Mary McChrist, the Divine Mother in Spirit and the Ascended Masters (Christ Jesus, El Morya and the Archangels). Mikaelah Cordeo joined Mary-Ma shortly before August 17, and they proceeded to make it happen.
The Divine Mother energy anchored into the Mount Shasta vortex. Several Divine Mother Conclaves followed in 1995+ and Anchoring the Christed Feminine was Mary-Ma’s McChrist’s gift in 9-9-99. Since this time numbers of westerners follow the Divine Mother. When something happens in the Mt Shasta vortex it goes into the crystalline Earth Grids.

We are grateful today the Goddess is risen and the Divine Mother/ers has anchored Herself into our modern world.

This Blog will continue to reveal the sacred face and mysterious body of the Mother. Who is She? Is She in both form and in Spirit? What are Her names? How can we know Her? Who do we/should we honor in the West as a Divine Mother? Follow this blog.

Visit the Mother-Matrix, now called the Divine Mother-Matrix:

© 2011 by Mary McChrist. All rights reserved. This may be shared for personal noncommercial use only, giving complete credit as shown.